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Peyronie’s Support – Or Rather The Lack Of It

1 Comment

Hello, thank you for your support.

My husband noticed 'the bend' and pain last February. Since then he has tried all the remedies as you suggest, especially the traction, to no avail. Looks like it's going to be surgery. The pain has gone and he is left with a band of fibrous tissue feeling like a flat fat worm along the penis, causing a bad deformity preventing intercourse.

He is anxious and depressed. He is following the NHS treatment. His consultant prescribed tamoxifen a few months ago, which mad him very ill and he nearly passed out whilst driving!!! 

Now he is waiting to see a surgeon but it is taking months with no support whilst waiting. He is in such a bad place that it affects his life from day to day, and he's not sleeping. I (his wife) have just 'switched off' as this is how I can cope, but he is continually 'turned on' which you can imagine is frustrating and depressing.

I am sharing this with others as it is a dreadful 'disease' and no one to talk to.

The Wife

couple holding hands

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Comments On This Article

Birgir December 13th 2017

Thank you very much for sharing yours and your husband experience. I’m very sorry to hear that the treatments he has tried to date have not been successful. Unfortunately, this is often the case with Peyronie’s. What works for one man does not necessarily work for the next.

It is good that he is seeing a surgeon as surgery can be the right and best treatment for some men. Surgery is the best treatment to get straight penis and most surgeries are successful and men fully recover with time. The main thing is to find a good experienced surgeon. Based on the time your husband has to wait to see this surgeon indicates he is in high demand and hopefully worth the wait.

You raise a very important point here. Men with Peyronie’s, and their partners, receive no support and have no one to talk to. There are few health conditions that leave people as “high and dry” as men with Peyronie’s. If they are fortunate they have a supportive partner like you but not all have that.

They, and their partners, are left to cope alone. And people have different ways of coping and it can cause a friction in a relationship if people have very different ways of coping. Which is in you case and it is good and important that you realize this in time and address it.

There are some coping strategies that many men have found helpful and also some things that the partner can do to help. It is also important for men with Peyronie’s to understand and appreciate that his condition does not only affect him, it does also affect his partner and even the whole family.

There are number of articles in this section that can hopefully help you to get through Peyronie’s together as a couple.

I also recommend you try to get external help. Your GP may be able to help or direct you in the right direction. It might benefit him, or you both, to talk to some professional to help you deal with this trauma and the affect it is having on your relationship.

I’m not a big fan of medication unless absolutely necessary but if your husband is having problem sleeping then that needs to be addressed as everything is more difficult when sleep deprived. Medication is one option but relaxation techniques, more physical exercise, diet changes, etc. may also help.

There are also some on-line sources where people can seek information and support. They can be very helpful and helping people to realize A. that they are not alone and B. that it could even be worse (there is always someone worse off than you). It is just important to be aware of the pros and cons of online forums and if they make you, or your husband, feel worse when visiting then leave.

I hope this is of some help and I wish you both all the best and your husband good luck with his surgery. He is very lucky to have you and you speaking up now is very important for the future of your relationship.

Kind regards,

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This website is based on my experience of Peyronie's disease